Sunday, February 10, 2013

first mini quilt on a pair of hotpads & placemats

I completed my first mini quilt project in 2 sessions. The hotpads were done before my trip to Penang, so that would have been last October. I started on the placemat quilt while traveling to and from my trip Penang in November. Good way to spend my long hours in my 8 hours stopover at Hongkong (to Penang). I finally and officially completed the entire project in early January I believe.

I started with working on my first hotpad.

I had enough materials to work on something else. hmmm, what should sew with what I have?? I didn't want to sew more than 2 hotpads that I just completed and I like to try something else to go with the hotpads. Ok, how about a pair of placemats? Sure, why not, lets do it .... And I sew every stitch on those placemats... so proud of myself. I use couple of my used flimsy placemats as the base / batting (have to find out what that is called ).

1 comment:

  1. lots of effort, but I know how much you enjoy your sewing. Keep up the good work !!!
